You will need
  • - test strips;
  • gel for intimate hygiene;
  • soap;
  • - container for biological material;
  • - the direction of the gynecologist.
There are several methods of determining pregnancy in urine tests conducted at home (rapid method) and analysis of urine carried out in the laboratory.
A rapid method based on the color change of the test strip by the reaction of the substance impregnated strip, with human chorionic gonadotropin human. The higher its concentration in the urine, the brighter the color of the test strip.
Rapid test is simple to administer. Purchase at the pharmacy test strips to determine pregnancy and the capacity for biological material. In the morning, take a shower, using lotion or soap. Collect all morning urine in a container. Dip the test strip until the specified label in the urine at the time specified in the instructions. Put the test strip on a horizontal surface. Evaluate the results.
Laboratory urine test for pregnancy is carried out in a specialized laboratory in the direction of the gynecologist. Quantitative determination of HCG in urine is due to the reaction of its interaction with the reagent.
Buy at the pharmacy container for biological material, collect the morning urine sample. Label the jar, specifying the surname, name, patronymic, date. Take urine sample to the lab in the shortest time.
If you need urgent analysis of urine pregnancy eliminate water, juices, tea, coffee 3-4 hours before the test. Collect the whole urine sample in a container for biological material. Label. Deliver to the lab in the shortest time.