Cherries – family cherry rose family. This heat-loving plant that can reach 30 meters in length, was successfully cultivated in the middle lane, getting up to 50 kg the crop from each tree. The fruits of the cherries are juicy, delicious and very useful.
The lush color of this tree can be seen at the beginning of April, and in early to mid-may to collect the first fruit. Cherries ripen in the garden the first opening of the fruit season by supplying you with the vitamins and trace elements, although in more Northern latitudes to enjoy delicious berry until mid-July. The first cherry has a soft and juicy flesh with colorless juice. A tree produces from 3-5 years and with good care can live up to 25-30 years, but in General the duration of life of the tree can be up to 300 years.
Like most plants of stone fruit crops, cherries high provodimosti kidneys. However, the formation of shoots you can see just next to the apical processes. This feature is reflected in Stolovichi and placement of the branches: the trunk is more pronounced, and the branches are tiered. Fruiting cherry fruit branches and annual branches. Most of the harvest of adult plants you will collect a bouquet with twigs. The reason is simple: the side branches are formed only on those branches with a length that is shorter than 30-40 cm For adult plants are characterized by short and weak branches, so they are formed only buketnye twigs.
When the length of annual growth of branches less than 15 cm is only one of the vegetative apical Bud, the remaining side to form a flower. After they Bud, and you'll harvest, in this place nothing but the scar will remain. These biological characteristics are the basis of the whole system of forming the crown of the tree and its trimmings.
Stop your choice on the sparsely-tiered form of the crown. This form is the bowl and the brush. In the formation of bowl-shaped crown use the same techniques as in the formation of the crown of the tree. Cherries in the form of a Bush is a short cut of a trunk with 15-20 main branches. They are aimed in different directions for more uniform placement in space. In the three-meter height of this crown will resemble a ball.
The early varieties begin to bear fruit in June, include varieties of "Burlat", "Cassina early" and "Leningrad early". For medium late varieties, fruit-bearing in July, are "Buttner red", "yellow Denizen", "Ravna", "He" etc. With later varieties starting to bring a crop from late July are "Hedelfinger", "viola", "Regina", etc.