You will need
  • - shovel;
  • - humus;
  • - peat.
Cherries – traditionally southern culture, she is a relative of cherries. It has a tall straight trunks, the arrangement of branches on the trunk. Wild cherry has lighter bark color, a different shape and color of leaves, and different taste and chemical composition of berries.
Cherry is very demanding on the composition of the soil, it also prefers well-lit, elevated areas protected from cold winds. Sweet cherry trees grow quite high, so you need to put them on the scheme 7x5 m, avoiding thickening. Often gardeners do not consider this fact and planted cherries more often than recommended in the manuals. In such cases, there is a question about transplanting Mature trees.
It almost always ends in failure. The reason is that the adult does not like cherries damaging the roots and branches, hard to transplant and grows with difficulty. Transplant only young trees, not older than 2-3 years. In this case, a transplant is produced in early spring before the SAP flow.
For this, the seedling is prepared in the fall: dig it from the garden, where he grew up, together with a clod of earth, taking care not to damage the root system, and added dropwise into the ground horizontally. This needs to be done to ensure that temperature changes in winter are not damaged bark. You need to choose a smooth area without stagnant water in winter is quite a lot of snow.
The planting hole will also need to prepare in the fall, fill it with compost and peat 1:1, add 100 g of complete fertilizer. When planting you need to remove the bad roots of the black cherry; the damaged area clean with a sharp knife and sprinkle with wood ashes.
The roots should be placed in the planting hole carefully, trying to prevent them from damage and kinking. The void to fill the earth in half with a nutrient mixture (peat and compost 1:1), it is important not to bury the root neck. It is desirable that it acted on the soil at 6-8 cm, and then seal the soil the tree will settle, and if the neck will be buried, the cherry tree will stop growing and may die.
After the transplant, you need a good tramp down the soil, watering the tree of water (4-5 buckets of water) with the addition of 10 ml of IAA, and the surface of the landing pit zamulchirovat layer of peat or humus.
After transplantation need to be shortened branch for 1/5 of their length, to improve survival roots. Then it is necessary to strengthen the tree, tying it to pegs, to a way to protect it from wind gusts.
In the case where it is necessary to transplant Mature tree of cherries, we must act similarly, but one should not forget that the planting hole needs to be at least 70x70 cm below the ground ball fit in it completely. It is quite a high risk of unsuccessful transplantation. To avoid this, you need to carefully approach the preparation of the soil and water the tree at least 1 every 3 days, 3-4 buckets, until it will not grow back.