Examining the bladder, you need to pass some urine – AWA analysis in General and according to Nechyporenko, analysis for bacteriological examination. The results of these surveys can be judged on various processes that occur in the kidneys and in the bladder. As a rule, the bladder requires a parallel examination of the kidney, as the primary cause of the pathology often lies in the disruption of the functioning of the kidneys.
Urinalysis should be collected in the first morning urination. After the careful hygiene of the perineum will release the first part of urine into the container, and then the middle portion in a jar and the rest into the toilet. For the investigation of 50 milliliters of urine. Remember that woman in the collection of urine analysis it is necessary to close the vagina with a cotton or gauze swab. The utensils under the tests must be thoroughly cleaned, boiled, and dried, or take advantage of special disposable plastic container, which is sold in pharmacies.
The results of the study show OAM inflammation of the bladder - if there is mucus, flakes, large quantity of leukocytes. Found on the red blood cells are judged on the processes that injure the integrity of the body wall, for example, when promoting concretion. A large amount of salts in the analysis indicates the presence of sand in kidneys and bladder.
For urine analysis by zimnitskiy you need to collect per day 8 containers, then eat every 3 hours in a separate jar. The results of this analysis are judged on the functioning of the urinary system by determination of urine volume and its concentration determine the time at which there is the greatest outflow of urine. The presence of such inclusions: sugar, salts, mucus, leucocytes, erythrocytes, protein and others, gives an indication of pathological processes in the organs of excretion.
The analysis of urine on Nichiporenko you need to collect only the middle portion while urinating, be sure to perform the processing of the external genitalia with an antiseptic solution. The presence of cylinders (salts), erythrocytes and leukocytes the results of this study indicate pathological processes in the bladder.
Bacteriological examination reveals bacteria in the urine. The urine for such an analysis is only collected in a sterile container and through the catheter. Normal urine is definitely sterile, microorganism in it indicates infection of the urinary tract.
Ultrasound examination helps to determine the function of the bladder, the doctor judges as reduced bladder remains whether the content after urination (reflex disease). Ultrasound can identify stones, sand in the urinary bladder and neoplastic processes. Such a study you must pass with a full bladder, your doctor may order additional testing after urination.
Cystoscopy is the examination of the bladder using a special device – a cystoscope. The doctor inserts through the urethra, a flexible tube with a diameter of about 3 mm, inside of which is a flexible optical system. This survey allows you to visually assess the bladder wall, discern the calculi and neoplastic processes. For suspected cancer, only in this type of survey, it is possible to take a biopsy, that is, to nip off a piece of the neoplasm to further study it under a microscope.