Light and frivolous

The first kiss between partners even during Dating – a kiss on the hand. This gesture says about respect for the girl, and also shows good manners men. Such a kiss can be a simple manifestation of chivalry, and the expression of the desire of men to touch, finally, to the object of their dreams lips.

Another kiss, which can be interpreted in two ways – a kiss on the cheek. It can be a sign of gratitude or sympathy, and sometimes says that a man kicking the tires and trying to understand whether the girl to move closer. After all, not everyone dares at once and kiss friend in lips! By the way, from Europe came the fashion for kisses on the cheek exchanged at the meeting. As a rule, this gesture is performed by touching of cheeks, in fact, even without the kiss. The European kiss on the cheek means nothing, besides the usual "Hello."

Shy and gentle

The next stage is the kisses a little more serious. Sometimes, a man can easily smacking a friend on the lips, literally, barely touching her. Such a kiss can mean much more than it seems. After all, if you kiss on the lips, the border is purely friendly relationship has clearly passed. Besides, there are people who just don't know how to talk about their feelings. For them, instead of the phrase "I had a great night with you" or "I like you", simply innocently kiss a girl on the lips – it speaks for itself.

But a timid kiss on the lips from a quick and short and very different. This kind of affection suggests that partner wants to go further in your relationship, but not resolved for more action. And that's how you react to this timid kiss, and will depend on the course of your future meetings.

Ardent and passionate

There are kisses that speak of the desire of the partner to continue the evening with something more serious than a romantic walk in the Park or a candlelight dinner. A kiss to the base of the neck, for example, can be interpreted as "I want you." If your partner kisses you aggressively, literally filled the entire mouth with his tongue in his intentions there is no doubt. Moreover, it can be concluded that the man had opened quite strongly. But if he starts to kiss her lips, and then moves on to the cheeks, neck, ears, gradually kissing all the girl's face, such a technique is said about the intention to convey the passionate mood of its second half.