Sign up on social networks and take advantage of their services. If you are essentially communicating with people who live abroad and speak foreign languages, give preference to global networking (Facebook, Myspace) or national services that are popular in your country. Please register and "contact friend" to those who you like. To find more pen pals, write a corresponding cover letter: "hi, I live in Russia, I'm doing something, are passionate about something, I would be very interested to talk with you."
Use the services for communication: icq, scype. Create your account and look for friends with similar interests. However, be prepared for the fact that foreigners have faithfully observes privacy (personal space), so would prefer to communicate email, because email can be answered when it is convenient, and the services of instant messages suggest a correspondence in real time. To you, it was interesting to talk to, don't be faceless: introduce yourself so that it is clear that they face a real source, not an Internet bot.
Visit the thematic forums. If you are looking for friends to communicate on a specific topic, for example, housework and child-rearing, register in the relevant Internet community. Directly to exchange language skills, there are special grounds: to search for pen pals around the world to communicate with native speakers and others. Keep in mind that visitors to such sites is interesting not only teach you but also to gain knowledge of your native language, so show yourself a competent person.