Entertainment options in the night can be divided into 2 types - paid and free. Of course, the most simple - but also not the worst - paid option would be a night club. This is a great option for those who love the fun, movement and drive. You will be able to dance to music, drink, meet new people. In addition, in each city there are different bars that stay open around the clock.
But where to go at night, if bars and clubs do not interest you? The main thing - to show imagination and resourcefulness. If you are near man-owl, you can go to the cinema for the midnight screening. Also in some cities there are Observatory, which for a fee provide an opportunity for observing the night sky. There are Botanic gardens where a certain part of beautiful flowers bloom during the night (for example, cactus "Queen of the night"). You can go there, pre-finding out the date and time of such events.
Following a paid night's rest will appeal to fans of sharp and bright sensations. In several major cities of Russia are paintball clubs that organize spectacular game night using night vision devices. Paintball much more interesting night than during the day. The feelings of the players are heightened, attention is focused more than usual, and the adrenaline just starts going wild!
If you live in Moscow or in the Moscow region, you can go at night to the Museum. For example, in the Moscow Bulgakov Museum opened the season with a night of theatrical fun in the famous "bad apartment No. 50". At the entrance visitors are greeted by the characters of "the Master and Margarita". The guide leads visitors through the quiet room, tell interesting facts about the life of Bulgakov. The Museum lives, the cat Behemoth, which bypasses the important rooms and looking after guests. Excursion starts in 23 hours. Pre-registration is required.
Romantic students and lovers can enjoy free nightly entertainment. In the dark you can walk in the Park. Of course, it sounds a bit weird, but if you exercise caution and avoid potential dangerous individuals, you will be able to enjoy the harmony and tranquility of the Park in the night. Also in these areas can lead philosophical and intimate conversation, sitting on the bench.
Particularly extreme nature, and the representatives of Gothic subculture may prefer even a night walk through the cemetery. Another free entertainment at night, you can afford a pair of lovers. Together with his beloved to climb on the roof and watch the sunrise. However, in this case, you must be very careful not to look down. Make yourself and your second half maximum safety.
In a pinch you can just wander around the streets of the city at night, illuminated by bright lamps. To brighten up this walk, you can run into the sky a burning Chinese lantern or balloons with fluorescent lighting.