Psychologists say that people form opinions about new acquaintances within the first ten to fifteen seconds in the future change it is extremely reluctant. Therefore, your task – to win the favor of a glance. Neat appearance: stylish and tidy clothes, clean shoes, elegant hairstyle and sincere smile is able to help you with this.
When you go to your new office, you will certainly be surrounded by interested colleagues. Try to listen more than to speak. If you tell something, don't try to put all about yourself. You still don't know how you will develop relationships with employees and give them the extra information at the first stage of Dating is not worth it. In the end there is always the chance that it will be used against you.
If a team is established groups dislike each other, try not to participate in the conflict. Avoid gossip, shirk provocative questions. Your resolute position is subsequently able to command respect both of his colleagues and superiors.
The first time the authorities, as a rule, do not touch the new employee, allowing to buycotts and log-in workflow. However, this stage should not be delayed. Gradually get involved and provide your Manager proof that you hired is not in vain. In case of any difficulties do not hesitate to ask questions to colleagues. It is likely they themselves will be happy to feel needed and experienced workers.
Do not try immediately to make changes to the workflow. Even if you see how to make it faster and more efficient, save this knowledge. Such an initiative from a newbie may cause irritation of the head and staff. When you are comfortable, to your opinion will listen much more readily.