Those who could not withstand the test of asceticism began to gather into communities of brothers or sisters in order to lead a monastic way of life. So along with the hermit arose the hostel. The founder of the first monastery is Pachomius the Great. One day after a long stay in prayer and spiritual reflection, appeared to him an angel of the Lord and presented the Charter of the monastery set out on a copper plate. Rules were made so that even the weak were able to implement them without much difficulty. And added that the committed need no Charter.
Since the Charter of any monastery invariably involves these basic angelic guidance, to facilitate the perfection of spirit on the thorny path to the abode of God.
The daily routine of each community somewhat isolated, and depends on geographical location (the duration of the day and night), as well as weekdays and holidays.
Its basic structure is as follows. Early bedtime (around 19: 00 in summer, winter and even earlier). The midnight ascent to the Vigil prayer (interrupt sleep). Then at 3-4 am – morning prayer. The rise of the sun (5-6 hours) for individual prayers. Then the collection of the monastery (Chapter): prayer, reading and hearing the Scriptures, administrative and disciplinary parts. Then in full force brothers (or sisters) remain at the early mass at 7: 30. After – again, individual prayer. With 10-11 hours start daily works of the monks, with a break for lunch and short rest. From 16-17 h. evening service, dinner. Around 19.00 – bedtime.
That's such a difficult day each novice home for many decades. To the ordinary layman it is difficult even to imagine that. While in the monastery observed a clear chain of command, patience and the friendly attitude of the brethren. External collectivism and uniformity, along with the internal soobramoney and deep experiences of divine revelation - only strong spirit people. Therefore, in order to test your spirit and firmness of intent, before tonsure takes place every three years probation (novitiate).