You will need
  • - corporate website;
  • - standard of service;
  • - client database.
Develop and insert in a separate document standard of customer service. Many things that for you is elementary and obvious, may not be so for staff working for you. The standard should be described everything from the appearance and typical phrases of greeting to the response to key issues and distance with conversation.
Arrange training for staff. Such events it is better to trust the professional coaches. Choose the trainings on sales techniques, dialogue with the buyer. Periodically, you may work with staff and independently. Model situations of communication with customers, give advice. This is especially true for beginners.
Get feedback from customers and observe them. Learn opinions about the service. Be interested in needs and wishes. Get a guestbook or forum on your corporate website.
Create the most detailed client database. It will help you not only to analyze the target audience, but also to improve the quality of service. Use of personal information about customers, if you have access to it. For example, the will help you to congratulate them on the occasion with the help of mailing.
Create in its place a pleasant atmosphere. Remember that for the customer it is important not only to the product or service, but in a good mood. Friendly staff, comfortable furniture, pleasant music, drinks – all that will leave the visitor a positive impression.