Find out in advance the phone number of the worried about someone. This will help you search, because the phone is almost always near the person. In the case when the number is out of range or the person simply isn't picking up, you'll be able to quickly find it. You can even find out who the number is registered.
Download SPS Advanced and install it on your phone and on the phones of their loved ones or friends. Probably, this part is the most difficult in the whole process of search by phone number. This program will make the phone a real "bug". Working time is limited only by your interests, and the phone of the ward can be recharged via your phone.
Configure the program so that all your belongings have been active. For example, the network connection my phone's visibility, and so on. This will help to control someone else's phone. Remember to check whether all works, and whether you connect settings, because it is the most basic.
Go to the website attached to the program, SPS Advanced is There are stored in the database all procedures performed through telephone, as well as tracking on the map the location of the phone. The website will help you to learn all you want about the man, until his personal SMS.
Set in the program time interval during which the location of the person was unknown to you and the program will give you the whole route on Google maps. You will be able to track and analyze fully the route, who are you interested in, and will be able to schedule transportation, because as everyone has favorite places in which he is often, and work or study where to make sure. When using this program should not be violated current legislation, that is, people should know about the program that you installed. If the program is installed without the knowledge of the owner of the phone, it is considered an offence.