As sung in a famous cartoon, "it's No secret that friends do not grow in the garden." Indeed, it's the sitting at home or cruising only route work-home-television, friends, you buy. Make new acquaintances and to support them is an art that requires some effort and attention. And in order to get the ball rolling, do to start this simple exercise: take a large sheet of paper, and a pencil and write down all your existing contacts. And then analyze them.
Even the most closed person is there any circle of friends: colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors on the porch. Let us carefully consider their communications and determine what quality they are and in what area you lack contacts. Lacking you friends for informal communication, whether useful experience for a career or business, is there any problem with personal life – your scheme will clearly show you in which direction to move.
Determining what kind you require a new acquaintance, go to their creation. The most important principle of making friends is that they should look among like-minded people. There is no better way to have a new experiencethan working together to a common cause. If you have a hobby, try to find a club or society associated with it. Surely among its members you will find many interesting people.
Start visiting social events that interest you and close. Concerts, performances, meetings, sport competitions, collective voluntary community work. Importantly, this activity was interesting in itself. Then the people doing those same things will get you pleasant and interesting. And surely you can find a lot of common topics to talk about.
If you are aiming to acquire experience in their professional activities, start to take an active interest in its condition and development. Attend business meetings and conferences, participate in roundtables, and engage in correspondence with authors of interesting ideas or professional work. When you visit any business of a collective measure, try to learn and remember as much as possible the number of participants. Share your views with them, short phrases, ask for business cards with contact information and offer your.
If you don't know how to start chat with a stranger, try to start just to greet him and exchange some noncommittal remarks. Ask his professional opinion on some issue, say something nice. Usually people in your most reluctant to contact. Most importantly, remember that any work it is especially difficult only the first time. Thus, once having overcome his shyness and started to communicate, you will quickly see that there is nothing particularly difficult, and a large number of attempts will help to develop the most suitable tactic of tying experience.