You will need
- the application for certification required documents
Under the act, the appropriate certificate is issued to persons carrying out tasks in military terms (i.e., in situations of armed conflict), as well as those involved in counter-terrorist operations in Chechnya and the North Caucasus.
If you meet the given definition, write a statement requesting the issue of a certificate and explain the reason.
Gather the necessary documents, including a copy of the certificate proving that you were in a zone of armed conflict extract from the order of the commander, which shows the date your participation in the operations in these regions, a copy of the turns of the passport with photo and residence permit, insurance certificate or copy of a military card with a mark about registration, military ID should be stamped on participation in combat operations, signed by the commander and stamped by, any other documents confirming your participation in military action/counter-terrorism operations, passport photos.
Gathering the documents, please contact the pension division of the Ministry of interior at your residence.
You will receive a certificate in their place of work.
Please note that photo ID can obtain not only the persons directly involved in the resolution of armed conflict, but civilians, for example, employees of internal Affairs bodies.