You will need
- Certificates of disability and health status.
Sometimes the circumstances are such that an elderly person will be better off in a boarding house than a home. Because in housee for the elderly it will be installed round-the-clock care and supervision. And houseand the chance of working youth do not always have. Besides, older people need attention. And tired after a full day of work children do not pay it the required amount. In homenursing and are open to all who have reached retirement age (women - 55 years, men - 60 years). Can also move to live in the Guesthouse with disabilities first and second groups (those who had reached the appropriate age) and veterans of the great Patriotic war.

The procedure of the device of an elderly person in a home for the elderly is quite simple. First you need to decide what pensions care for the elderly is, and what you need to determine each individual pensioner. Then go to the district Department of social protection at the place of residence. Here you can pick up a form. A sample of her set by the public authorities. Filled in the paper seeking people.

Next is a completed application with a request for the definition of retiree in the boarding house for veterans of work must be attributed again to the district division of labor at the place of your residence. There experts will make the decision about placement in this or in another type of homeand the elderly. Don't forget to attach reference. These securities are issued in the Commission (VTEK). They recorded disability defined categories. Among them are: sick, and therefore in need of constant care; walking, so someone who can take care of themselves, at least partially. In addition to this information, the Commission will consider a number of other attendant circumstances, individual for each case.

Based on the decision made in the social security office will decide what the pension will send the pensioner and the conditions of care will be organized there. After that will just have to pack up and move.