Autumn comes, and you go out to work. There you often need to deal with a boss who just says everything that thinks about you, but on the street you meet a neighbor who you last filled. Of course, you come home spoiled the mood, you have a headache, the first signs of nervous tension.What is a nervous strain? How to deal with it? Nervous tension differently psychologists call "burnout syndrome" in which a person experiences severe stress to the body, psychological discomfort, therefore there are such nervous disorders as depression, irritability and anger. The reason for this discomfort may be the loss of a loved one, a quarrel with a friend, and other events that could bring people out of the rut. Due to the constant stress develop related diseases, the nervous system , it is important to strengthen.
The condition of the nervous system largely depends on us and with whom we communicate. First, do not take to heart what you say. Always have an opinion. For example, your colleague hinted that you suddenly got old and began to look bad. Don't worry about these words, you can be sure that she's just jealous, and therefore expresses this opinion. Once you have confidence in yourself, you will cease to be nervous and suffer depression. Secondly, try not to interact with negatively minded people. If it still fails, at least limit contact with them and do not pay attention to their words. If they occur in the life of "a black strip" in advance convince yourself that it will pass. There is no way that life was bad everything. Learn to relax: work out, read more exciting books, spend time in nature, as well as start to travel.
In any nervous exhaustion, it is important to follow a diet, maintain a calm, but at the same time active lifestyle. The food should contain all the necessary trace elements, vitamins and proteins. At the time of stress we should eat more fruits and chocolate. At night, you must drink tea with honey and lemon. In the morning have a lot to consume dairy products, especially hot milk. If the nervous exhaustion is strong, at night you can brew a decoction of Valerian or peppermint. In addition, after severe stress it is good to take a bath from a succession, chamomile or nettle. It is also helpful to drink chamomile tea.Your lifestyle needs to be calm. Don't listen to too loud music, and don't overdo it when working with your computer take breaks. And most importantly, don't forget about sleep. Need to sleep at least 9 hours a day. If you have the opportunity to have a rest day, use it: Napping is useful to all without exception. In addition, more walk and relax, and you have the nerves are strong.