To determine the exact content of leukocytes human urinalysis is used (standard) on leukocyte elastase (an enzyme that is secreted by white blood cells), or the study of the urine specimen under a microscope. The presence in the urine of white cells in large numbers (greater than normal) indicates the presence of a bladder infection, urinary tract or kidneys.
A small excess of white blood cells has a medical name – leukocyturia. With a slight rise in white blood cells – pyuria. In this case it is possible to detect the change of the consistency and color of urine. Greatly increased concentration of leukocytes can be one of the obvious symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys – pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, and in some cases the result of stones in the ureter or kidney.
If the first capture of the analysis showed an increased content of leukocytes in the urine, to establish the source used trehstakannaya sample – collecting three portions of urine (serial). With increased content of leukocytes in the first portion can assume the presence of prostatitis or urethritis. The predominance of white cells in the third beaker shows the development of the most common urinary tract infection – cystitis. If the number of white blood cells is approximately the same in all portions, it indicates inflammation in the kidneys.
Pyuria excessive content of leukocytes characterized by the presence of pus in the urine and indicates the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Usually pyuria can be seen with the naked eye – the urine is turbid with the presence of white flakes and threads. Immediately consult a doctor for a full examination, he will prescribe the right treatment.