For starters, the most banal, but at the same time a spectacular exercise - squats. You should start with five times a day, this is best done in the morning. Squat stands each day, adding first five sit-UPS, three days later - two, and then depending on your desire and perseverance. But in any case should not lower the bar, "Yesterday, I did thirty, nothing bad will happen if today will make twenty-five." You need to at least keep at a certain level.
The next step is Jogging. Run enable is not just those things a week later since the beginning of the squats. To run best in the morning (yet not too hot), or in the evening. It is advisable to do Jogging near the water - this will help you to keep breathing and just to add to your class some flavor. Again, don't load yourself – you need to start with a ten minute jog trot, and then add the time and even make small jumps. To run every day optional: even though it will speed up the process of getting rid of fat, but this can be annoying, and time to save.
You should also not forget about stretching. Stretching - an essential element of beautiful feet. To start, try to stretch till your feet start to hurt and stay in this position for ten seconds. The next time is to increase the stretching, even the pain, but time and patience is also to be increased to fifteen seconds. It is worth trying to do the splits on the left leg, on the right, transverse, etc.
And another one, too banal, but also an important thing: food. Not necessary to load yourself with diets, which actually can make things worse. Diets and this decision is against nature, because every person must eat properly. But we should not overreact, but to abuse the fatty foods, fast food and other reagents, after which the fat is not something that is on the legs and the whole body can appear.
And of course, when you have free time, you should not sit on the chair from your feet beautiful will not. You will help nature trips, bike rides, walking the dog or just walking down the street. The more you walk, the faster you burn fat. Yes and walk in the fresh air is also nice.