You will need
- Computer, AC adapter, splitter, modem, Ethernet cable, ADSL cable, power adapter, installation CD with drivers
Before you can configure the modem mode to router , you should connect it to comuter and telephone lines. For this connector to the "Line" splitter connect the telephone line to the Jack "Phone" – phone. ADSL modem connect to terminal "Modem of splitter with the ADSL cable. Connect the ADSLmodem to the power source via the adapter. When the splitter is properly connected, the indicator "ADSL" for the modemshould flash. Then connect the "Ethernet" modemand to the network adapter of the computer using the Ethernet cable. The indicator "LAN" on the ADSL modemshould light up.
Next, you need to configure IP. In the start menu, select settings, then Network connections => local area Connection". Then click "Properties". On the "General" tab, select "Internet Protocol" (TCP/IP). Click "Properties => to Obtain an IP address automatically". Confirm the selected setting by pressing the OK button.
Set up the router. To do this, open a WEB browser and in the address bar type or, depending on the model of the modem. On the opened login page, the fields "Login" and "Password", enter respectively "admin" and "admin". The exact data specified in the documentation that you received with your modemom.
After authorization, you must create an Internet connection with username and password provided by the ISP. Look in the settings of the modemand the items that contain the fields "Username" and "Password/Userpass" and enter the values obtained from the provider.
In the settings menu, locate the points which define the connection type and the value of "VPI/VCI", "Encapsulation". Connection type select "PPPoE" or "PPPoE over Ethernet", value, "VCI/VPI" and "Encapsulation" or leave the default or choose the ones that offers the provider. Restart the modem.
Most 3G modems began to be issued with drivers under Windows XP and Windows Vista, which is quite suitable for Windows 7. To configure 3G modem on Windows 7 is quite real. The problem is that in automatic mode the driver was not located. Therefore, it must be set manually configuring the 3g modem takes a couple of minutes.
Useful advice
Getting started with your device. - Connect telephone line to Line port of the splitter. ADSL port DSL 2xxxU/BRU/C – port Modem. On this device setup finished. If the modem is configured in Bridge mode, only one computer can have access to the Internet. If the authorization provider uses PPPoE, you must configure the PPPoE connection using the computer's operating system.