You will need
  • - the vitamins;
  • - essential oil of rosemary, cedar, mustard;
  • dried rosemary, black tea;
  • - honey, egg yolk, carrot juice masks;
  • - sea salt, pepper tincture.
Wanting to speed up hair growth, do not forget that this process is influenced by many factors: nutrition, internal health and proper care. Therefore, in addition to the use of stimulating natural remedies for hair growth, pay enough attention to your diet, emotional state and overall strengthening of the body.
Include in the daily menu more raw vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products, nuts, honey. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and in addition to her broth hips, juice, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and green tea.
To nourish hair from the inside out for 1-2 months, take vitamin-mineral complex. And vitamins C, A and E propene addition. Twice so the dosage will have not a preventive but a therapeutic effect on the body and hair.
Since the slowing of hair growth may be linked to the depletion of the nervous system, strengthen its hardening, moderate sun and air baths, exercise, proper sleep and rest.
To stimulate the growth of hair do head massage. It improves blood circulation, due to which the hair bulb gets the nutrients. Massage the skin with a comb or fingertips. This procedure is repeated every night for 5 minutes.
Before washing the head do massage using stimulating hair growth. These include vitamins A, E (oil solution in capsules), essential oil of mustard, rosemary and cedar, pepper extract, sea salt. For ease of application and better absorption combine them with vegetable oils.
Add 1-2 drops of essential oil or vitamin solution 2 tbsp vegetable oil, preferably corn, olive or burdock and RUB it with your fingers in the roots. If your hair is dry, apply oil on entire length. Cover with plastic wrap and a bath towel. After 30-40 minutes rinse hair with shampoo and rinse with boiled water, acidified with lemon or infusion of burdock root, nettle, or chamomile.
For Shine and elasticity of hair, make different masks: egg-carrot, egg and honey, yogurt (for oily hair). They help to fill the shortage of missing in vitamins and minerals. Any of them apply to the roots only and after the massage, because it contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, accordingly the absorption of nutrients will be much more effective.
To stimulate hair growth do daily rubbed into the scalp infusion of rosemary and black tea. Brew: 1 tsp dried herbs 250 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, insist. The resulting solution every evening after the massage to saturate the roots.