To activate the text tool, press the T key or select the corresponding icon on the toolbar. Hold down the mouse on the icon on the toolbar, you will see a number of text input modes – horizontal, vertical, and horizontal and vertical mask text to create interesting letter selection.
Click with the text tool selected in any region of the working window, you will create a new text layer. Subsequently, the cursor for typing can be placed anywhere in the text layer.
After you enter the text, selecting the font and font size, press Ctrl+Enter to apply the text entry. At any time written phrase can be moved to another location using the move tool, triggering it via the toolbar or by pressing V.
To change the shape and size of the text block, you can open the menu Edit Free Transform tool, offering many forms for object transformation. Stretch, narrow and modify the text block at their discretion, and apply to it various types of distortions.
For distortion you can use the Create Warped Text by clicking the text block with the right mouse button and selecting deformation.
To resize the text block by dragging the corner node of the frame editing. To turn the unit off by setting the cursor around the side of the frame, to turn it into a curved arrow.
Navigating to the Character (characters), you will be able to edit the type of font face, size, color, spacing between letters and signs, set bold and italics, font size, and vertical and horizontal scale. In this section you will find a variety of features that enable you to modify the font of the text.
With the function of Anti-aliasing you can smooth edges of font styles.
In addition, the font can be converted to a vector mask layer (Convert type into shape) to get the ability to edit a block of text as a vector shape. To do this, create a new text layer and a menu Layer Type, specify the Convert command work path. Then click on the Path selection tool and click the text, and then drag the points to deform the letters.