Refer to phlebologist, if heaviness in the legs you have on a daily basis. Often varicose veins begins to show these symptoms. If time does not pass the examination and start the treatment, time can cause blood clots that are very dangerous for human life, because at any moment can break away. It is possible that the specialist will recommend the application of special medicines phlebotonics that tone the veins, relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs.
Wear loose shoes with a low platform, this will help to avoid the appearance of heaviness in the legs. During "smoke breaks" if you have the opportunity, remove your shoes and put his feet on the second chair.
Wear compression stockings, socks or tights, if you already had varicose veins or a severe heaviness in the legs. But this is only after the consultation with an expert. Special underwear squeezes the leg, not allowing the veins to dilate, which improves blood circulation.
Do a cool foot bath with sea salt. Also in the water can add a little essential oil fir or cedar. Then lie down on the sofa, put a cushion or a small pillow under the feet and rest.
Avoid prolonged exposure in the heat, do not wash in the hot tub or in the bath. Take a cool shower, preferably contrasting. If you are unable to tolerate temperature extremes, direct the water jet directly on the legs.
Eat more citrus fruits or take vitamin C it helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels lead cholesterol and make the blood more liquid. If you feel a strong heaviness, take an aspirin.
Drink light diuretics, for example, urological collection, if you are experiencing severe swelling of the limbs. This issue will not hurt to consult a therapist.