Select the material from which you will produce floor mats for your car. It is best to use two layers – one for waterproofing, the second to protect the lower layer from exposure to reagents. Perfect rubber or plastic for the bottom and a dense textile fabric for the second.
To begin, make measurements. This can be done using a tape measure. By measuring the width and length of a place Mat, cut out a piece of paper and attach to the place, and then outline the irregularities of the edges of the space needed. This piece of paper can now be used as a template.
Another way of measuring is much easier – just draw over the old pad or use it as a stencil.
For the bottom layer get rubber sheet waterproofing at the hardware store or use a more suitable car Mat.
To the top apply a dense felt, an old rug or carpet, which is unlikely to be useful at your home (can be used as woolen and synthetic carpeting).
On the previously prepared stencil, apply the outline part of the Mat with chalk or an old remnant. Carefully cut along the contour of the applied part of the future of the Mat; the edge of the textile pieces should be treated with a match or lighter to primality appeared thread. It is necessary to ensure that our rug was not undone. Check that both layers of the pad coincide with each other. If there are irregularities, correct them with scissors.
On both layers of the Mat seal between them. This is best done using thick threads. Apply both layers exactly on top of each other and make a series of holes along the edge of the workpiece at a distance of about half an inch between them. The case remained for small – to with a thick needle and strong thread to sew the parts of the Mat together.