You will need
  • ABBYY PDF Transformer is a simple program that converts PDF files to popular, easy to edit formats Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML and TXT.
  • In order to transform the pdf document into the document format you'll need to download and install on your computer ABBYY PDF Transformer.
After you have downloaded and installed the program to your computer, start it. In the future, the ABBYY PDF Transformer wizard will help you in your work.

So, run the wizard – choose the PDF file you want to convert.
Then select the format you want to convert the selected PDF file.
In the next step you have the option to specify additional parameters of the document that you want to get the output.

For example, you can change it or the location, or resolution options and image.
Thus, all the parameters are set and the program started to process the file. All this work on the conversion of file is completed.