You will need
  • Mushrooms, water or milk, onion, salt, pepper, butter.
Cover dried mushrooms with water. For every 100 grams of mushrooms you need 625 grams of water. Leave them in water for an hour to swell. You can also use warm milk. It will make the taste of mushrooms more tender.
Drain and rinse the mushrooms as long as the water stays clean. Sometimes water is not drained and are used as a broth. But keep in mind that mushrooms when sasuske do not wash.
Cut into large pieces mushrooms into smaller ones. Before roasting mushrooms can be boiled, but in this case, the part of nutrients remain in the broth. In this case, the broth can be used for preparing other dishes, such as soups or sauces.
Preheat a griddle over medium heat. Add the butter, wait until it clears. You can cook in vegetable or olive oil, but butter is better reveals the flavor of foods and spices.
Fry onions, add mushrooms. Cook over medium heat until tender. Add salt, spices to taste. White mushrooms are also good to add sour cream or cream. For thick sauce add the flour.
Serve mushrooms with potatoes, rice or vegetable side dish. Fried mushrooms are used in salads or as an appetizer. Mushrooms can be nafarshirovat pepper or chicken.