You will need
  • baby shampoo, infusion of nettle, children's brush or hair comb made from natural materials
The child may be born with a thick, very soft, dark hair, or, conversely, he had no hair. This first bloom will disappear within the first three months of life and does not require special care. Just rinse it once a week with warm water while bathing.
Then there are more tough hairthat later, in puberty, replaced by a "real adult". The active period of growth falls on the age of the child 2 – 3 years. It was at this time pay attention to hair care.
Wash your hair no more than once a week, gently touching the scalp. The water temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature.
Try to choose the right baby shampoo. It is desirable that its composition was not of the substance lauryl, often leading to dryness and flaking, and the pH ranged from 4.5 to 6. After washing, to strengthen the roots, rinse hair with infusion of nettle.
After bathing, just Pat the hair, they do not need too thoroughly dried. Do not brush wet hair and do not use for drying Hairdryer.
Do daily child a head massage. To do this, purchase a children's hair brush with natural bristles or a wooden comb. Morning and evening, gently comb the hair in direction of growth for at least two minutes. This procedure stimulates blood circulation, increasing nutrition and, consequently, the growth and density of hair.
Don't braid his hair blond girls too tight braids. This leads to thinning hair and receding hairline. Choose soft hair bands, do not use metal hair clips.
Not less than once per month at least slightly trim the tips of the hair. So they will grow better and neater look. But to shave off all the hair year-old child should not be. The assertion that this will grow a thick hair is a myth with no evidence.
Hair is one of the indicators of the General health. Therefore, pay special attention to the food baby. The growth and strengthening of hair is promoted by a b vitamins, A and E. make Sure that all of them were present in the diet of the baby according to age.