Take a small metal bucket, pour in 2-3 liters of milk and drop 4-5 bulbs. Then put it on low heat. After 2 hours, remove the bucket from the heat, cover it with a seat from the toilet or close the edge of the bucket with a thick material. Gently put the child in so he could warm up the anus steam. The course of treatment is 4-5 treatments.
Subsidiaries fry 1 large onion chopped in 0.5 liters of hot vegetable oil, strain through layered cheesecloth. In warm oil dissolve 100 g of beeswax. The ointment must be applied as an external remedy in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Grate raw potato, squeeze the juice into 1 tablespoon and a small syringe, enter the child's anus at night. This procedure should be carried out 10 days.
A pot with a capacity of 3-5 litres complete with potato, carrot, beet, onion, cabbage peelings. Cover with water so clean she was just covered and boil. Pour the contents into a suitable pot and put it on his child. The duration of the procedure 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
In the treatment of hemorrhoids is very useful to drink a mixture of juices of carrot, lettuce and spinach in the ratio of 4:3:2. The daily dose should be at least 1 Cup.
Take 1 head of garlic, peel, finely chop and mix with 0.5 liters of fresh milk. You need to take a sitz bath for 20 minutes. Do these trays need 7-10 days in a row.
In regular pot put the hot brick, it will macrosite pre-chopped garlic. Then cover the pot with a Board with a small hole in the middle. Put the child on Board and the duration of treatment should be not less than 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure need throughout the week.
Wash the hemorrhoids with warm milk. Then apply to the affected area for 5-10 minutes a woolen rag soaked in juice of garlic. The procedure should be repeated 3 times.