You will need
  • — badger fat;
  • — med;
  • — the pulp of aloe;
  • — lemon;
  • — rubbing alcohol;
  • — milk;
  • — warm water.
Take badger fat, only purchased in the pharmacy network. He passed the necessary processing and checking, so it is absolutely safe to use. Do not buy badger fat in the markets, because you can never know which way he is prepared, moreover, it has not been tested in the laboratory.
For internal use of fat add 2 teaspoons in hot milk. Fat helps to soften dry cough and bring the sputum. If you dislike the taste of the fat, add the milk, 2 teaspoons of honey. This method of application will greatly enhance the effect. Do not use honey if you are allergic to bee products.
Let the children of badger fat in 3 years. Children from one year and adults if you cough, you can RUB the fat into the back, chest and feet. For the procedure to melt the fat in a water bath and warm massage the resulting emulsion in the chest and back child or adult.
To enhance the effect, you can add in the fat honey. This method of application helps you to quickly handle even the most severe cough and cold. The best effect is achieved for external and internal use of badger fat.
If you cannot stand milk, it is possible to use badger fat with hot tea or water. To do this, eat 2 teaspoons of fat and follow with hot tea, tea you can make with sugar, honey or jam.
On the basis of badger fat, you can prepare a therapeutic composition, which will help to quickly cure a cough, relieve the symptoms of tuberculosis and emphysema. For its preparation you will need 100 g of badger fat, 100g of honey, 100g of rubbing alcohol, 100 g of aloe juice with pulp and 100g of twisted lemon peel. Mix all ingredients, put on the day in the refrigerator, take 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. With the common cold, the treatment should be 15 days, with persistent cough caused by bronchitis, continue taking for 1 month. Tuberculosis and emphysema take part systematically at intervals of one week.
For ease of use badger fat is available in capsule form. Carefully read the annotation and use the drug according to instructions. General recommendations, as fat in capsules may be different.
In diseases of the liver prior to application of badger fat get a recommendation of a doctor.