The long winter is quite a problem tolerated by vineyards, so in order to collect the fruits at the end of the season, you need to ensure your bushes all the necessary conditions.

In many regions the care of a vineyard be closer to the end of February, but the best time for this will be the beginning or the end of March. Before you will start to blossom buds, you must make sure that the sections of the branches were juice. Macovigilance should be moderate, if too strongly emphasized vineyard juice can dry completely even before you begin to bear fruit. Too slow macovigilance or its complete absence may indicate that the roots of the vineyard is very very cold in the winter.

Often the bushes for the winter closed. When the outside temperature reaches 10°C, they can be opened, but in any case it is not necessary to open at once the whole vineyard, this should be done gradually in the morning, otherwise the bushes can get a sunburn. The best month for that for the southern regions April, the Northern regions to expand the vineyard in may.

Many experienced gardeners remove the cover in order to dry the vineyard, and then again sheltering it until the temperature has settled down. This is due to the fact that too long of a shrub closed while zero temperature is very bad for the plant.

The complex of measures for the care of the vineyard in the spring

For the first event you need to be very sharp shears, with the help of it you need to trim the dried and broken branches, which were under shelter. It is necessary to cut 4-5 cm above the level of the eye. You also need to remove the leaves that cover the grapes from the sun.

The next step is spraying vines to prevent fungus and insects. Do not be afraid to use the chemicals that harm the berries, they will not bring as many people think.

And the last event dressing. First do as soon as the snow cover disappears. The second feeding is done closer to mid-may.

Many experienced growers use a special dressing that just spray the leaves of the grapes. If you properly care for grape vines in the spring, then over time she will enjoy a good and tasty crop.