Planted black currants quite often somewhere in the middle or at the end of October. The currant bushes before the onset of the cold for a little time to germinate, to take root in the soil. When springtime comes, black currant very actively begins to grow.

Seedling black currant is usually thrown into a small pit, with a depth of about 40 inches. It is added directly to fertilizer, while the root of the seedling currants usually buried in the soil at 5-10 cm.

Order black currant liberally and quite effectively sprouted, you need to take care of her attentive care. In the period of the growing period, the grower needs to diligently carry out the process of loosening the soil where the bushes grow this wonderful berry. Due to the fact that blackcurrants are very early-maturing plant, it starts flowering in the first year after its Seating. However, the first flowers should be cut as otherwise the Bush itself can be weakened and even die. The main challenge facing the gardener in the first vegetative cycle of the black currant is to achieve the formation of a strong basal shoots of this plant. The question of fructification need to do the next season.

To ensure black currant protection against various kinds of harmful insects, which do not allow the plant to grow normally and to develop, implement digging round tree trunks. Also carried out the circumcision of dry branches the plants and remove weeds growing next to the currants. This whole set of measures necessary to ensure that the bushes of black currant without any obstacles could grow and give a good result in the form of abundant harvest.

Of course, in each situation, the grower receives for himself a definite decision as to how best to improve the care of bushes of black currant. However, to a greater extent all resort to proven methods of care for these plants. And they, in turn, as if in a sign of a certain "appreciation" if you give the grower the presence of many ripe, incredibly delicious berries!