In Brussels sprouts have potassium and magnesium, 6, iron, phosphorus. For pregnant women this product simply no substitute, as it contains a lot of folic acid. It lowers cholesterol, improves vision, helps with constipation, prevents breast cancer.

After reading all of the beneficial properties, you just need to grow it in his garden, because conventional Kale is grown, and is the same as cabbage, only it looks very original.

So, in conditions of the Siberian climate, to plant Brussels sprouts in the garden seedlings, not seeds. Plant seeds in peat pots, somewhere in mid-April (sooner is not necessary, as still in Siberia, the time of sowing is later than in warmer areas) covered with a film or glass and put it on the window sill the light it needs. In the open ground planted in late may or early June, the place should be Sunny, as the shadow at the growth of cabbages may slow down or even stop. The distance between plants should be 50-70 cm, cover it in the beginning, and then when strong temperature decrease, and it is cold-resistant plant. It can withstand frosts down to minus 7.

Each stem grows to 80 small heads, they need to gather to start at the bottom, you will see for yourself when they are ready, they will become shiny and elastic. Like other types of cabbage, it needs constant watering. Feed you 2 times no more an excess of fertilizer the heads will become loose and will lose all its taste.

Harvest in late September, but could stand until November, but in Siberia, high to mid-October, when the weather is nice until the end. Basically Brussels sprouts freeze, but it can also be preserved. You can cook wonderful soups, puree, saute, add to a vegetable stew, experiment and enjoy.