You will need
  • • ½ Cup of rice mixture;
  • • 200 g of white cabbage;
  • • 100 g of any mushrooms;
  • • ½ Carrot;
  • • ½ Onion;
  • • greens onions;
  • • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • • 1 tsp. salt;
  • • ¼ Teaspoon of mixed spices;
  • • 2 eggs;
  • • 160 ml cream (10% fat);
  • • 60 g. of cheese.
A mixture of rice, wash, add water (adhering to a ratio of 1:2), bring to boil and cook about 30 minutes, using a quiet fire. After boiling, the excess liquid drained, and the rice put into a bowl.
All vegetables to clean and wash. Greens onion, bulb onion and mushrooms cut into cubes, carrots and cabbage – strips. One large mushroom cut into thick slices that will become the decoration of the dish. Hard cheese grate on a coarse grater.
In a pan, heat the oil. In the hot oil first, put just the usual onion and fry it until transparent.
Then to the onions add the carrots, fried all together for another 2 minutes. After the carrots, add the cabbage. Put out the contents of the pan until tender cabbage, and at the end of quenching add the diced mushrooms. This vegetable mixture to cook for another 5 minutes, season with salt, mixture of peppers and greens onions. Then turn off, put in a plate to boiled rice, and stir until smooth.
In a sauté pan, drive egg, add a little salt and pour the cream. These ingredients beat with a beater or mixer.
In the egg mixture to spread rice-vegetable weight. All mix thoroughly, sprinkle in portion cups or pots for baking, sprinkle with grated cheese and decorate with slices of mushrooms.
Filled molds to send half an hour in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. During this time the vegetables will depekote, egg filling will seize, and the cheese will be a beautiful brown crust.
At the end of cooking the ramekins from the casserole. remove from the oven and serve immediately to the table.