The consequences of poisoning?

According to statistics, worldwide from food poisoning and infections kill up to 4 million people, the vast majority of children.

Besides the obvious discomforts, such as nausea, diarrhea, and poor health, food poisoning can bring a bunch of serious trouble.

For example, in spoiled fish contains microorganisms that can affect the Central nervous system. Poisoning poor quality canned products can cause deadly botulism. And mushroom poisoning can be fatal, especially if the poisoned child. When alcohol and drug poisoning suffer the most liver, because she has to withdraw many toxins.

What can be poisoned?

In addition, many of us suffer due to environmental pollution that has a cumulative effect. Poisoning car exhaust fumes, emissions from factories... every resident of the metropolis requires the cleansing of the body. Because it affects our mood, ability to resist disease, vitality and even mood.

And the kids who are trying to the language, often get poisoning by household chemicals, for example, washing powder or detergent. So hide all the dangerous tools up and away from kids.

But let's not panic. After all, forewarned is forearmed.

How to recognize poisoning?

The first symptoms of poisoning depending on the intensity appear over time – from a few minutes to 8 hours, and can progress.

Depending on the form of poisoning the symptoms are different. So, chances are you poisoned if:

  • nausea and/or vomiting,
  • appeared disorder stool, abdominal pain,
  • fever (even up to 37 degrees), there was a malaise and chills,
  • you have a cold sweat, and the pressure drops,
  • the skin rash has gone, blemishes, swelling and shortness of breath.

There may be hallucinations, impaired vision (e.g., become double vision) can occur loss of consciousness, increased salivation and disrupt brain function (displays nonsense, etc.).

When to call the doctor?

Poisoning is especially dangerous for pregnant and breastfeeding women, young children (for children up to 6 months in any poisoning emergency hospitalization, for the elderly and those with weakened immunity. Waiting for the doctor it is important to have at hand a drug that can make both children and adults, should be reserved in advance with a sorbent POLYSORB in an accident.

How to treat poisoning at home?

If food poisoning has occurred, it is necessary to act immediately.

1. To wash out the stomach. You need to drink more water at least 2 liters. It is hard work, but "desperate times call for decisive action". Most likely, it will provoke vomiting, and starts the process of "self-purification" of the body from toxic substances.

2. Immediately after the first step you need to take the enterosorbent POLYSORB MP. It is a drug that cleanses the body in cases of poisoning, effectively removes toxins. You must mix the powder with water: calculated relative to the weight of the user, for adults about two tablespoons to a glass of water at one time, such methods produced no less than three a day. You can drink in one gulp or in small portions over several minutes.

3. Create around themselves rest, no activity and limit the quantity food: crackers, boiled rice.

4. For diarrhea and dehydration, you should drink plenty of fluids, better if it is compote of dried fruits without sugar.

It is not necessary to drink antibiotics, antiemetics, antidiarrheal remedies and alcohol.

But it is better - prevention

As they say, prevention is better not to treat and to prevent.

To prevent poisoning and intestinal infection it is always necessary to wash hands (and teach this children), wipe the product from the store, kitchen items and the surface on which the cooking. Monitor the quality of the products and their shelf life. It is always better to eat food fresh and to cook for one day. No swollen cans, damaged and cracked packs. Always have a home first-aid kit sorbent POLYSORB – "first aid" in cases of poisoning. Then no poisoning you won't be caught off guard.

Be healthy!