It is considered that a diet obsessed girl, but it is not. A set of muscle mass, which is a dream of novice and experienced athletes, also not possible without a careful planning of the daily diet. Unlike weight loss weight requires a special approach to nutrition.

  • The diet must be present protein. Are the building blocks of muscles and without sufficient protein, it's impossible to build muscle tissue. On average 1 kg of body weight of an adult on the background of physical exertion required 2-3 g of protein.
  • In addition to protein, the muscles require carbohydrates. This energy source, without which it fails to provide the body with sufficient calories. Food caloric deficit suitable for those who want to lose weight or is on a sports drying. If you build muscle mass, the caloric deficit will only delay the results - the body will begin to lose weight not only through fat, but also muscle.
  • The diet should be as balanced as possible and contain the maximum essential micro - and macronutrients.

How many calories you need for weight?

The rate of caloric content for each individual - in order to make a competent diet, you need to calculate your own energy corridor. However, if you pay attention on the averaged value, an adult of average height and weight per day need 2000 to 2500 calories. By increasing physical activity in the growing demand for energy sources. An athlete who is engaged in weightlifting, a day required sometimes to 3,500 calories, depending on body mass.

How to achieve muscle growth?

After each workout, you need to close the so-called "carbohydrate window". Within half an hour after the workout and need to eat food high in carbohydrates - for example, protein bars, dried fruits, bananas. Protein shake after training will Supplement the deficiency of protein and will prevent muscle loss.

In addition to proteins and carbohydrates in the diet of the athlete must be fats. When the proper level of physical exercise you will not get fat from the fat will create the necessary surplus of calories with which you begin the accelerated growth of muscle mass. Otherwise, the rules of diet for the athlete in the recruitment of the masses remain universal - it is necessary to eat often fractional, in small portions, to keep the same intervals between meals and to drink enough water and follow a balanced diet.