Why is Petunia bad boards

If within the specified period bag, Petunia seeds will not germinate, there may be several reasons. One of the most common is "dead" seeds (these are old seeds and seeds that had been stored incorrectly). Another reason for newshost seeds too deep planting.

Why Petunia seeds germinate, but the seed coat is not dumped

The most common reason - germs do not have the strength to do it. This may be due to the fact that the room is too dry air (shell too hard) and due to the fact that the seeds themselves are very weak. In the first case will help humidifying the air (you can put the seedlings under the film, or carefully with a pipette to wet the sheath with warm water). In the second case the sprouts are not worth saving, because most likely nothing will help, such seedlings are too weak immunity.

Why do petunias the stem thins and breaks down

If you fall seedlings of Petunia, it is likely that seedlings were subjected to the fungal disease "black leg". In this case, a small portion of the stem darkens, rots and the plant falls (breaks off under its own weight. Most often, the disease attacks seedlings, which contain too warm, humid conditions, bad air and fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers. To protect seedlings from this disease, to care for her properly. If the disease gets, the first thing you need to get rid of the sick germs, change the soil healthy and treated with 40% formalin solution.

Why seedling petunias yellow

If yellowing of the upper young leaves with pale green veins, then the cause is chlorosis-iron deficiency. This problem is solved easily: we need to amend the soil iron supplements. If the lower leaves turn yellow, you need to moderate watering and feed them a nitrogen-containing complex fertilizers.