The main normative act which regulates the question of early retirement pension is the Federal law "About labour pensions in the Russian Federation", in particular, Chapter 6. But there are many other lists of categories of workers eligible for early retirement, part of which was approved by resolutions of the USSR Council of Ministers.
Thus, in particular, these include those who have been engaged in underground work or those that are considered especially harmful or especially dangerous. Early retirement can also women who worked in the textile industry in conditions of high intensity of labor, and workers of locomotive brigades and workers, organizing transportation and ensuring the safety of rail transport, including the subway. Before the others can get a retirement pension by workers and masters, employed in logging, coal mining and other minerals, as well as employees who have worked the required period for certain types of ships, river, marine and fishing industry. Aviation workers engaged in pilots or service aircraft, some categories of medical workers and workers of education and culture can also apply for the appointment of preschedule labour pension.
In the case of early clearance of the labour pension for the unemployed comes into effect article 32 of Federal law No. 1032-1 "On employment in RF". The right to receive a retirement pension early, but not earlier than 2 years before the deadline, are those citizens who have been laid off due to the fact that the company was liquidated or there is a downsizing. However, here there is one more essential condition: the absence of work that needs to be confirmed by the registration in the employment Center at the place of residence.
It is the employment services decide on the appointment of early retirement pension, on the basis of available information on repeated and unsuccessful attempts to find a job. The rejection of the proposed employment Center vacancies will automatically result in the failure in obtaining early retirement. But to count on such a benefit can and those citizens who live in remote areas where there is no possibility to find a job simply because no employers, and no public works.