You will need
  • -clinical (General) blood test;
  • -doctor's consultation (therapist, hematologist).
Give blood for clinical (General) analizzatori lowering the level of blood cells by their appearance is very often impossible, therefore, required laboratory tests. The leukocyte count manually more reliable than the analyzer.
Contact your doctor if your blood level is lowered leukocytoclastic changes in the blood is the only symptom and they are diagnosed during medical examination of the population and the passage of the medical commissions, but the lack of external manifestations - not always a sign of prosperity.
Be patient during obsledovanie important to understand the mechanism of lowering of white blood cells for further treatment. The cause of the radiation detected by observation of the patient, taking repeated tests of the blood count with platelets and reticulocytes. Assess the structural and functional state of the liver and spleen through an objective examination, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, the biochemical blood tests. In the urine trying to identify hemosiderin. The decline in leukocyte count may occur with thyrotoxicosis, therefore, conduct palpation of the thyroid gland, if necessary, ultrasound.
Do not refuse invasive procedures and re-analyzable exception of leukemia and aplastic anemia do a painful bone marrow puncture. Found leukopenia in septic conditions, therefore, may require repeated blood cultures for sterility and echocardiography to exclude endocarditis.
Be Frank in discussions with recommitment and lifestyle are not the final value. The cause of leukopenia may be an autoimmune disease (systemic lupus erythematosus), toxic effect of alcohol or drugs (cytotoxic agents, sedatives, sulfonamides, NSAIDs, etc.), ionizing radiation, certain physiological state. Reduction of leukocytes in the blood is fairly non-specific symptom, so the diagnostic search is usually guided by concomitant symptoms.
Take a course of treatment by appointment specialistov most cases leukopenia is a symptom, so the therapy of the underlying disease. If the cause is infection, connect antimicrobials. Autoimmune disease mostly require supplementation of corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cytostatics. When liver disease is prescribed hepatoprotectors, in diseases of the thyroid gland seek to normalize thyroid status. When the radiationx caused by an external agent, eliminating the causative factor. If there is evidence, can be assigned stimulators of hematopoiesis (batilol, stronger, vitamins, metiluratsil, pentoxy).
Do not despair if you have found a disease craveonline years with many hematological diseases successfully compete. Aplastic anemia is treated with substitution transfusion of blood components, conduct bone marrow transplantation. In leukemia chemotherapy courses, also transplanted bone marrow.