To save the next harvest, it should be quite deep to till the soil in late autumn. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the morning. Millipedes love the heat, so you'll die if you stay in the cold.
Millipedes are known to live in places where sufficient moisture is retained for a long time. So do not delay with weeding and cleaning up plant debris on your summer cottage.
Also note that in your area all lay in their places. The order should follow, because under lying unattended things can live in these worms.
Don't forget to spend time for loosening the top layer of the soil. Thanks to this procedure, the moisture content is significantly reduced, therefore, reduced the likelihood that the millipede will hurt the strawberries.
To protect the strawberries from kusakov will also help the insulation of the leaves from the soil surface. This can be spread on the ground or straw, for example, chips.
If you collect kusakov manually, it will also help to preserve the harvest of strawberries. These worms are nocturnal, so collect them in a certain time: late evening and early morning. In the afternoon you can see them only in cloudy weather.
Before fruiting strawberries distract from her kusakov with bait. To do this, cut into pieces medium size potatoes or carrots and place them around the country site. Don't forget to check daily lures and replace them with new ones.
To avoid the appearance kusakov, should be properly watered berry - the soil during the ripening of strawberries should not be under the bushes too wet.
Collect ripe berries immediately. If you see diseased strawberry fruit kisaka, remove them immediately and dispose.
All chemicals that exist on the market, unfortunately, will not help in the fight against this pest, and all because during the wetting millipedes are deep in the ground and does not reach them poison.