The type of Foundation can be determined by analyzing several factors: soil properties, depth to groundwater, the magnitude of the load on the Foundation, the climate and the sensitivity of buildings to changes in the base.
Strip foundations are building on wet soils, in the case of high groundwater. One of the benefits of installing such a Foundation is the opportunity to make a basement with moisture protection.
Strip foundations deep foundations used for buildings with heavy walls or ceilings, and in the case where the creation of underground spaces. In the construction of such a Foundation is increased consumption of materials, it is placed on a 20-30 cm below the freezing depth of soil.
Low-depth strip Foundation is the perfect solution for bath from logs, it allows to save much. However, one should not forget that this design requires high-quality thermal insulation of the upper layers of the soil. For a bath depth doing about 40-50 cm for one storey and two-storey houses of the log — 50-70 cm
Pier Foundation for a log house is the most economical solution, erect it on dry or sandy soils, not subject movement. It requires no waterproofing, but excludes the possibility of creating basements. These foundations erected for buildings with light walls, wooden or frame houses, they are used as supports for the porch or veranda, but this substrate type is not suitable for heavy structures.
The price of the pier Foundation below 1.5-2 times higher than the low-depth tape, if you compare it with the base of deep foundations — in 3-5 times below. To create a pier Foundation, you must first remove the surface soil and make a sand pillow to reduce load during the seasonal swelling of the soil.
The design of the pier Foundation represents the pillars, located in all corners of the house, and in place of an adjunction and crossing of walls. Poles set to a depth of soil freezing, they can be placed under the floor beams. As a building material for such structures used, rounded log, glued, or shaped beam.