Books from successful Manager

The best guide to managing personnel is the book "Lead people", written by a recognized expert David Novak, the head of the largest global restaurant chain Yum!Brands. It leadership program has enabled the company to motivate their employees and engage them in the work process, turning "office plankton" in the real allies in business. In the book Novak provides specific recommendations, tools, exercises and questions that help in preparing for personnel management.

Books written by successful managers, provide a unique opportunity to study in absentia more leadership programs for executives and business owners.

Another popular book from David Novak called "Managing the managers". It describes in detail various aspects of managerial activities, self-organization aspects, integrated approaches to solving various problems, and recommendations for HR and time, and much more. The book is based on real events that will help the reader to see more clearly the pitfalls of modern business, to learn how to avoid errors in management and not be afraid of crises.

Books from professional psychologists

One of the best books on personnel management is "Drive. What really motivates us?" by Daniel Pink. It's a story about the futility of behavioral motivation system, which is obsolete in the management of the company's employees. The author considers various new techniques, recommending to focus on staff with strong internal motivation. In addition, Daniel Pink gives in his bestseller a variety of methods and tools by which a Manager can create a new system of personnel motivation.

The book from Daniel Pink, representing the best textbook on humanistic psychology, supported by hundreds of psychological studies of human behavior.

Well-proven and the book by Scheer, August-Wilhelm "Hard management. Make people work for the result". The author gives tips on managing staff with a firm hand and not focus so much on motivating employees, how to build clear rules that help to build a sustainable and profitable business. The book describes tips to increase the value of marketers and salespeople, and the payment of a specific job, not just of sitting working hours.