"Microlax" is sold in plastic bottles with a tip for one time use, each vial contains 5 ml of the drug. The preparation includes laurylsulphate sodium, sodium citrate, sorbitol solution, and also auxiliary substances (sorbic acid, glycerin, water). Sodium citrate is associated with replacing the stool water, sorbitol provides the flow of water into the colon, laurylsulphate sodium contributes to the liquefaction of the intestinal contents.
Under the influence of "Microleaks" soften the fecal mass that stimulates bowel movements. Remedy has a local action, not getting in the blood system. After introducing microclysters the effect occurs within five to fifteen minutes. Because the drug acts directly on the contents of the colon, the effect is faster than taking laxatives.
"Microlax" is used for the treatment of constipation of different origin in adults and children, as well as to prepare the colon for diagnostic studies (sigmoidoscopy, barium enema). The drug is used for twenty to thirty minutes before the examination bowel. Because the tool has no effect on the upper gastrointestinal tract, it can be used in pregnant, lactating women and infants.
For the treatment of constipation in newborns, the drug can be used from the first days of life. The infants tip enter only at half the length, the contents of the tube is introduced fully. After microclysters it is recommended to give the baby a tummy massage in a circular motion clockwise. Adults and children aged 3 years tip need to enter at full length, and then enter the contents of the tube. In that case, if after use of the drug is bowel movement has not occurred, you should consult a doctor.
The question of how often you can use "Microlax", must solve the attending physician. If necessary mikroklizmy you can do daily, however it is better to use the drug as sparingly as possible. "Microlax" helps bowel movement, but does not eliminate the cause of violations of its work, its indiscriminate application may lead to chronic constipation.
"Microlax" is not suitable for high sensitivity to the components. Side effects of the drug is possible the emergence of light burning in the rectal area, the development of allergic reactions. Overdoses "Microlax" is not revealed. Interactions with other drugs absent.