You will need
  • chamomile flowers, fennel fruit, rhizome of Valerian, peppermint leaves, caraway fruit
Carminative action is the action of drugs used for flatulence is a condition characterized by excessive accumulation of gases in the digestive tract. Bloating or increased flatulence can cause certain foods for example brown bread, milk, potatoes and vegetables. The reason for this phenomenon may be swallowing excessive amounts of air, insufficient absorption of gases in the intestines, acute and chronic pancreatitis, chronic colitis, a dysbacteriosis of paresis of the stomach, peritonitis, partial or complete bowel obstruction.
Usually, a person in this state and there are side effects – the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, hiccup, regurgitation, paroxysmal pain, if it is not possible for flatus and halitosis and disorders of the blood vessels and the Central nervous system, expressed in the change in heart rhythm, chest pain and shortness of breath. More often than other flatulence in young children and the elderly.
People with the accumulation winds often suffers from colic, cramps, dropsy and dizziness. As a traditional carminative means such patients should be used infusions of fennel (fennel seeds pharmacy), chamomile flowers and fruits of caraway. To help solve the problem and oils: dill and cooked with cumin. This treatment promotes the discharge of gases, relaxes smooth muscles and stimulates intestinal motility. Tinctures can and should be combined: there are drugs on the basis of two or more components, for example, "Bebinos". Give it to your baby, and soon he will calm down and will cry because of a sick tummy.
If you have a violation of the process of digestion, pain, belching and hiccup, take "Metoclopramide". To help digestion you can, by adopting the "Pancreatin," and to reduce pain will help "Drotaverine". An alternative to the above funds are "Dimethicone" and "Simethicone" – take them in if see at similar symptoms. Surface-active substances in their composition, reduce the surface tension on the interphase boundary, destroying the formed gas bubbles and preventing the formation of new ones.
Carminative fee can be cooked at home: this will take rhizome of Valerian, peppermint leaves and fennel fruit. Mix one tablespoon of collecting to fill in a metal bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath and simmer under a lid for a quarter of an hour. After insisting 45 minutes, drain, squeeze raw materials, and the resulting broth diluted with boiled water to the volume which was originally. Take 1/3 Cup two times a day warm. Shelf life is two days.