To make disheveled haircut short hair you will need styling gel and nail to secure. Wash your hair and dry locks with a brush to get volume. This raises them at the roots and sprinkle a little varnish. Take the finger a drop of gel and lay the individual strands so as to obtain a beautiful relief. Or just apply the gel on your palm and lift the hair up, clenching and unclenching his fingers. The resulting styling will fix the varnish.
Disheveled hairstyle for medium length hair do with Curling irons. Washing your hair, dry it with a hair dryer so that it remains slightly damp. Choose strands with the temporal, occipital, frontal pieces and roll them on the Curling iron. Curls should not be too tight, make loose waves. The remainder of the curls leave straight necessav at the roots. Fix laying varnish.
For long hair there are two options a tousled hairstyle. The first is done on straight hair. Clean hair, blow dry with her head down. Immediately sprinkle with varnish. Sit up. Kill the strands of the temporal and frontal region, so they do not interfere. Necesitate to give volume, starting from the nape. Then again, tilt your head down and swipe across the curls as if you wash the head. Fix laying varnish.
The second option messy hairstyles for long hair fit for owners of curls. The more curls, the better. Necesite curls the same way as in the first case. Then collect them in a large bun. Long end of a comb or knitting needle to pull the strands until, until you give the desired styling. Sprinkle the creation with varnish.