Why headache?

The fact that blood vessels dilate to speed up blood flow, it increases the pressure and leads to headache. Fever or fever can help fight infection, but make life easier for the patient.

Sometimes headache during an infection, the patient creates a self. Enough for a couple of hours to blow your nose too hard or actively sniffle, and then a headache coming on. The most sensitive areas in this case are located around the eyes and nose. To cope with such pain just good clean airway (rinsing with salt water is ideal, but you can try and drops), and the pain will go away by itself.
If you haven't been to the doctor and from the symptoms you have a headache and a high temperature, do not tighten the visit to the hospital. A similar set of feelings (without cough, and rhinitis) may indicate that you have meningitis.

Sometimes a headache may occur on the decline of the disease. When the whole body feels is not bad, but the residual temperature and headache spoil the mood. This is due to the fact that the immunological response during the active phase of the disease was very strong and now, because of the reassurance of chronic headache "included" in case of the slightest danger to health. With similar experiences to fight is also quite simple — a balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids, bed rest will restore the organism after infection, the immune system will calm down and stop "safe".
Take the tablet of paracetamol it will reduce the temperature and reduce the headache.

What to do?

To cope with a headache that accompanies the high temperature, a variety of ways. First, take prescription drugs, and secondly, to reduce the pressure in the blood vessels of the head, you can take a hot bath. However it can be done, if your temperature does not exceed thirty-seven. A hot bath promotes the outflow of blood from the head, thereby reducing headache. Thirdly, it is possible to massage fingers, each finger to massage along the entire length for a few minutes.

There is another controversial but effective way of dealing with a headache at the temperature you need to gain a little brandy into the mouth, hold it for a minute in your mouth without swallowing. Cognac dilates blood vessels in the head, relieve pain. Do not swallow the brandy then, because alcohol does not improve well-being during illness.