You will need
  • - 500 gr. beef
  • - 300 gr. pork
  • - 2 bulbs of onion
  • - 2 eggs
  • - 1 carrot
  • - a Cup of rice
  • - 400gr. sour cream
  • - 100 gr. mayonnaise
  • - 2 cloves of garlic
  • - 2 medium tomatoes
  • Sol
  • - pepper
  • - green
Pre-boil until soft rice and put it to cool. While we cook the stuffing, it is time to cool down. In a separate bowl grate the carrots. With tomato remove the skin and finely chop or divide in a blender. To prepare the filling-mince beef and pork through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion. In meat weight add pepper, salt, finely chopped onion, pressed through the garlic and rice.
The resulting mass stir thoroughly and put the balls about 7 cm in diameter. Envelops each ball in flour, spread on a heated pan and fry in butter. Balls fry on both sides until Golden brown. Then to add hedgehogs to obzhivatjsya grated carrots.
Tomato mass, stir sour cream and mayonnaise and pour hedgehogs the resulting sauce. The sauce should cover the hedgehogs 2/3, if not enough, add stock or water. Add salt and simmer for 20 minutes under a lid over medium heat. 5 minutes until cooked sprinkle with pepper and finely shredded greens. From the top you can sprinkle grated cheese.