A hearty and nutritious side dish to burgers

When cooking a side dish note: no matter how tasty your chops, garnish it also needs to be delicious. This is a separate full dish that not only emphasizes the taste and aroma of the meatballs, but complements them. A classic side dish that can be submitted as meatballs made from minced meat, and those that used fish is mashed potatoes. It was beautiful and delicious, try to achieve a smooth consistency using a potato masher. Be sure to add the milk and butter. Some Housewives add to the mashed potatoes and whipped raw egg. Feeding mashed potatoes with fish or meat cutlets, put in a bowl a spoonful of canned green peas, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs. Young boiled potatoes will also be a great side dish to burgers.

Boiled rice also goes well with meat and fish patties. But it is not necessary to cook as a porridge. Cook the rice for garnish in a frying pan. First, sauté it in a small amount of vegetable oil, then cook, stirring constantly and adding as they absorb 70-100 g of vegetable, fish or meat broth. Don't forget to put spices. When the rice is almost cooked and only the middle will be slightly damp, turn off the stove, add the broth, tightly cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.
It is not necessary to apply for a side dish to burgers fries that will be a pretty tough test for your liver.

With cutlets of meat you can serve pasta or noodles, adding this side dish of creamy butter. As gravy, you can use the juice that remains after frying the cutlets, but you can make a separate sauce, for example, fry onions with carrots and fresh tomatoes and then put out slightly over low heat.
Submit cutlets with garnish can complement the dish with some pickles: sliced pickled cucumber, a spoon of sour cabbage, salted tomato.

Diet a side dish for cutlets

Such side dishes as well as burgers can be very tasty, and are prepared much faster. And the meat and fish chops can best serve vegetables, the same young boiled potatoes. If it's a frozen vegetable mix, lightly boil the vegetables in boiling water (3-4 minutes), drain them in a colander, place in a pan with a little olive oil and just heat, not fried. Add the spices and a pinch of salt. If the diet is strict, the stage with the pan skip. This way you can cook and green beans, and cauliflower or broccoli.

For diet meals as a side dish suitable fresh vegetables in a salad or just sliced large pieces. Never hurts green leaf lettuce and a few sprigs of fresh herbs.