Before placing the server in Mincraft to play with friends and acquaintances, make sure that your computer will be able to withstand heavy loads. If your PC can not provide the server the necessary resources, you will need hosting.

Not to waste precious time, you can find already ready-made server for the game Minecraft. Download server, move it to your hard drive or post on hosting. You will need at least 3 GB of free space for smooth operation of the server.

Run the installed server and wait for maps to load games.

In the folder minecraft-server.jar you need to configure the server.preporites. Not every player has installed the official version of the game Minecraft, so make the Directive online-mod=false so that users of pirated versions can join your game.

To give players the right server administrators, add their names to a text document ops.txt. Each name is entered in a separate line.

When you log in to Minecraft enter the server address to localhost (if you placed it on your computer). If a connection is made, then you made a server in Minecraft correctly.

Invite friends to the game and other users. To join your server, they need to know your IP

However to make a Minecraft server from scratch is the most optimal variant for those who want to engage seriously in the work. The platform for the server can be downloaded from the official website of the game. You can also use the bukkit platform, which will install plugins for Minecraft.

Configure the server.preporites and enter the names of administrators in ops.txt as in the case with downloaded server. Start server.exe open port to server, and wait for maps to load.

Adjust the settings to the server:
True – enable the server, False – off;
- level-name=minecraft - folder name with the server;
- allow-nether=true/false – enable or disable a portal to hell;
- view-distance=10 is the radius of visibility;
- spawn-monsters=true/false – enable or disable spawn monsters;
- online-mode=true/false – sets whether or not to play with the licensed or pirated version of the game;
- difficulty=1 – the installation complexity of the world, where 1 - easy 3 – difficult;
- gamemode=0 - 0 - survival 1 – creative;
- spawn-animals= true/false – enable or disable spawn friendly mobs
max-players=10 – maximum number of players on the server
- server-ip - = - server IP
- pvp= true/false – enable or disable pvp
level-seed= - map led
- server-port=00000 - server port
- white-list= true/false – enable or disable white list
- motd=hello - phrase of welcome on the server

Install server Minecraft essential plugins. So, MyHome will allow players to acquire their own home, with the help of WorldEdit and WorldGuard you can edit parcels, AuthMe will need to authorize users, MobArena needed to create Malaren for events.

Don't overdo the number of plugins on your home computer the more you have, the greater will be the load.

If you want to make Minecraft server not only for friends but for other players still think about the purchase of hosting. The majority of users are reluctant to go on home servers.