You will need
  • - Mat;
  • - the horizontal Board;
  • sports form.
Train with effort. At first do the exercises no more than 2-3 times a week. Many believe that can train this part of the body, a little relaxed, swaying on the Board. This is not so. Each approach must be conducted with a maximum voltage in the final phase. Don't loosen for a second of abdominal muscles. This will ensure the maximum effect from the training.
Perform various sit-UPS. There are three different kinds. In all cases you will need a small rug or Mat. Put him on the floor, lie on his back and put his feet on a horizontal surface. Cross your hands behind your head. Lift the body up until it touches the knees.
Put your hands on his chest again and take position lying on the rug. At this time, do not bend the knees should be straight. Slowly raise the torso on the inhale and lower it on the exhalation.
Make a back twisting. This is the third type of hoist body, which you should include in the program flow press. Again, place hands behind head, lie on the Mat and bend your legs at the knees. Hold them as close to the breast as soon as possible. This exercise will allow you to carefully study all the fine abdominal muscles.
Include in your program exercises the oblique muscles. Lie on your back, lift your legs up so that the soles were aimed at the ceiling. Palm press to the floor. Keep both legs together and lower them down almost completely on the left side. Move slowly into the middle of the movement and hold for a few seconds on the right side. Do this at least 10 times on each side.
Ensure that muscles are well rested between training sessions. Despite the best of efforts, nevertheless do not overdo it and bring to back pain, for example. This is very common for all athletes. Don't let joint pain.