You will need
    • 0,5 tbsp. millet;
    • 0,5 glass of rice;
    • 3 tbsp. milk;
    • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
    • 0,5 teaspoon of salt;
    • 0.5 glass of sour cream or butter to taste.
Thoroughly rinse the millet and short-grain rice, not mixing them. Put the millet in a saucepan, pour 1 Cup of water and bring to a boil. When grits sauce to boil for 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and rinse the millet with cold water, otherwise it will taste bitter and spoil the taste of the finished porridge.
Mix in a saucepan with a thick bottom of the prepared millet and rice and pour milk or mixture of milk and water. Put on the fire.
Stirring occasionally, bring the porridge to boil. Immediately after this, reduce heat and add salt and sugar. Cook until until the grains will not fall apart.
In the finished porridge add the butter or sour cream, mix gently and cover pot. Porridge "Friendship" have to stand at least for 15 minutes. But it is best to wrap the pot in a thick towel and leave for an hour. Then you will get tender, flavorful porridge.
Even more delicious porridge "Friendship", cooked in the oven. Rinse groats, millet, pour over boiling water (this removes bitterness). Put the rice and millet in the ceramic bowl, add milk, salt and sugar. Don't forget that in the process of cooking porridge seethe, so do not put cereal in the pot to the brim. Mix well the contents. The edges of the pot butter, this will prevent "runaway" of milk. Place the pots in a cold oven and heat to 180-200 degrees. At this temperature, the porridge needs to languish for hours. Periodically check that does not evaporated milk. If it does boil over, lower the heat and remove the pot cover. When cooking in the oven the porridge "Friendship" can be served as soon as boiled soft wheat. In the finished dish, add the butter.