You will need
  • - tincture of ginseng, Siberian ginseng, lemongrass, leuzea;
  • - brandy;
  • - pomegranate juice;
  • - aspirin.
Drink a Cup of freshly brewed green tea
The drink is very invigorating and refreshing, with its effect similar to the effect from a Cup of coffee – the pressure will increase slightly.
Eat something salty
Salt increases blood pressure, so find custcom pickles or cheese.
Drink holyblue tincture
Natural tonics help to raise blood pressure – tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Magnolia vine, leuzea. Drip in a glass of boiled water 35 drops of tincture and take the pressure come back to normal. Drink tonic formulations preferably before meals, several times a day but not before bedtime.
Fill the lack of fluid in the body
If the decrease in pressure caused by hot weather, you should drink plain water or juice – regulation of water balance restores and normalizes the blood pressure.
Drink cognac
Polruki good quality cognac will bring blood pressure back to normal. You can add brandy to hot tea.
Drink a glass of pomegranate juice
Prepare a mixture of water and fresh natural pomegranate juice (2:1) is such a solution increases the pressure faster tea and coffee, while the effect of taking maintained much longer.
Prepare your muscles
Quickly RUB the muscles of the legs, massaging from the ankles to the knees and above, also massage your lower back and stretch your abdominal muscles.
Apply methods of acupuncture
Push the point under the nose and hold pressure for a minute, then relax your fingers. Repeat clicking 5 or 10 times. Massage active point on edge of little finger side of the edge of the nail for several minutes. Massage is even one point helps to normalize the low pressure on the side of the big toe, near the nail from the side of the neighboring finger.
Raise pressure pills
Take half of a pill of ascorbic acid and two tablets of dry green tea. Other drugs to increase the pressure ("Strophanthin", "Mezaton", "Dobutamine", "Camphor", "Norepinephrine") should be taken only after consulting a specialist.
Take a contrast shower
If possible, take a shower, alternating hot and cold water, it will "invigorate" the blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
Use the method of breathing exercises
Take slow, deep nasal inhale, exhale carry out through clenched teeth in the same slow pace. The pressure will rise, but not for long.