Look in public (or home) library of once-popular work of Papus's "the Magic of black and white." In the second book of this work – "Rustic charms, browse through an alphabetical list of conspiracy from hernia of infants. Read and think about how the text of the plot corresponds to your understanding of such spells in General.
Buy in a bookstore a collection of plots of some well-known healer. Read the text. For purity of experiment and subject to availability of funds, will buy the same collection, the plots of which belong to a different healer. Analyze the similarities and differences in the texts. Make conclusions.
Go to one of the Internet sites dedicated to magic and witchcraft (e.g. Read the texts of the plots and recommendations for their use. Make conclusions.
If you do decide to talk to a hernia, in any case do not do this on their own. Please refer to the witch for advice first on the matter. During your first visit go without a child. Let's see how he lives a fortune teller, talks (including on neutral topics). If she lives in a remote village, it is not an indication that it has indeed required for a successful conspiracies abilities.
If you are a believer, in any case, don't ask for help to fortune-tellers and traditional healers, despite the fact that in many texts mention the Name of God. But do not expose the child to the trials that he could not stand it and contact your doctor.
Note: doctors believe that regular massage of the baby's tummy is the best remedy for an umbilical hernia, but to hold it is necessary only after consultation with a specialist. The doctors explain the "miraculous" healing of a child with a "blessed" coin, which is usually applied sorceress to the navel. The fact that the coin weakens the umbilical ring, the hernia at the time of "hiding", while it must be strengthened. So after removing the coin from the navel, the hernia usually goes back out.